Round Coat Rack

A few years ago I bought a couple of old corbels from Old Texas Wood in Dallas. We cut them up into pieces to hold up the bar in our kitchen. I had these two left over and they were thick enough for this project. I drew a half circle and cut it on the band saw. My idea was to glue tooled leather to the front of this round piece and screw hooks to the leather. I drew the tooling design and traced in the hook bases. I tooled the leather and put on a finish to accenuate the cuts. I went to the "Wood Store" in my husband's wood shop and found this cypress piece. It was thick like the round piece, so it was perfect for the look I wanted, and it was the perfect size! I screwed in Z clip hardware and sprayed a clear sealer on all the wood. After I glued the leather to the round piece and let dry, I glued the round piece to the cypress and let it dry. The extra clamped board was a guide for gluing the round piece. ...