Cowhide Wine Wrap

I was asked to make cowhide wraps for wine bottles, so I got to work and featured it as a blog project. I cut a piece of hair on cowhide 13 1/2" x 8 1/2" and the same size liner. For the liner I used 3-4 ounce vegetable tanned leather on the first 5 wraps I made. I looked for other possible liners and thought of neoprene. I glued the cowhide to the neoprene and sewed it on the sewing machine. I punched 4.8mm holes for 2 conchos which are 1 1/2" wide. I punched 2.8mm holes for 20" leather lace knotted at one end. The concho holes are placed 2" from the top and bottom edge and 1 1/2" from the side edge. The lace holes are placed 2" from the top and bottom edge and 3 3/4" from the side edge. I attached the conchos and lace, wrapped the cowhide around the bottle and wrapped the lace around the conchos. Here are several wraps I made. These would make great gifts! Have fun making your own wrap!