Highchair Tray

I walked into my husband's shop and found this discarded maple highchair tray on the work bench, destination: trash. In the past he had made a few highchairs, and this was a remnant of that. I grabbed it up, knowing I could use it for the blog. I decided to make a tray with tooled leather or pyrography and Steer Drawer Pulls . After the tray was sanded, I drilled holes for the Steer Pulls and installed them, then removed them to do all the finishing. The screws were counter sunk on the bottom with a 3/8 Forstner bit. This was done before the wood finish. Close up view of the Steer Pull sprayed with metallic silver. I carved this checkbook design which was taken from a book written by a friend of mine. The plan was to repeat this design across the tray, but that seemed boring to me. After much thought, I decided on a star in rope in the center. You can't get more western than that! I made a paper template for the inside of the tray, transferred it t...