Tool Caddy

There are plenty of tool caddies out there, vintage and new. It should be easy to make for a Fall table center piece, right? You can use any type of wood, but I used white oak from old barns and buildings. This is the same wood I used for my kitchen remodel. Being from old growth trees, it is very dense, heavy and beautiful. Pictured are the pieces for the project with their measurements. After looking at many photos of different tool caddies, I cut out this design for the end pieces on the scroll saw. The tool caddy will be glued and nailed with a brad nail gun. Before assembly, holes will be drilled for the lariat handle. Of course I had to westernize it! I made tooled leather pieces for the sides and ends, which will be glued to the wood using Titebond regular. The lariat was pulled tight with channel lock pliers and nailed on both sides of the upright into the hole. The excess was then burned off with a burn tool. You can use a dowel or 1x2 for...