Lasso Coat Rack

I had a vision of a wooden coat rack with rounded corners and a rope around the edge. I set out to the wood shop to find a piece of wood and I probably had something in my mind. (Picky!) Well, after several trips to the shop, I didn't find anything. I thought about settling for a piece of plywood and torch it for affect. I turned and looked down and this piece of solid wood was just sitting there against the drill press, saying, "Take Me!" It was perfect! I used the scroll saw to round of the corners, then sanded it all over. This was a pretty piece of pine and I just wanted to clear coat it. Next I set a myriad of hooks and horseshoes on the wood to figure out what looked the best. I decided to use the horseshoe hooks from another project . I bolted in a rusted medium architectural star in the center and glued a handmade leather concho on top of it. I had a piece of rope left over from making baskets and nailed it around the edge with a brad nail gu...