Western Style Mirrors

I've always wanted to make western style mirrors. I bought a couple of mirrors from the craft store, one 12"x 12" and the other 10" round. I used the weathered wood frame from the Clocks blog. Since I used epoxy to 'glue' in the tile, it took a while to get it out and clean it up. I had to rout out a little wider for the mirror since it was larger. I cut strips of leather 1" wide and attached with Star Tacks . My husband's industrial strength glue gun worked nicely for mounting the mirror in the frame. A different idea would be to attach hair on cowhide pieces to the corners with upholstery nails and add barbed wire on the sides. Now for a lariat mirror. I took a lariat and wound it tight to fit around the 10" mirror. I first taped it together so I could wrap leather lace on each side. Then I attached leather laced conchos. I cut a piece of plywood on the scroll saw a little smaller than the lariat and glued the mirror onto it....